POLYKA, standardized to enhance for an exclusive and elegant final touch on your construction project. It has the perfect adhesive for your chosen material such as, HPL, leather, wood, farmika, vinyl, carpet, plywood, PVC, sheet, tacon, etc.
Polyka Products
Polyka Premier
Perfect choice to apply to luxury apartment, stylish office, and many other skyscrapers.
2.5 KG | 14 KG
Polyka Power
Exclusive choice for a stylish and refined HPL, formika, vinyl, and plywood.
2.5 KG | 14 KG
Polyka Supreme
Superior choice for variety of premium material.
14 KG
Polyka PUR
Superior choice for variety of premium material.
650 gr
Polyka PVAC
Perfect solution for adhesive necessities on variety of interior and exterior projects.
500 gr
Polyka Lem Putih
Adhesive with superior performance, ideal for variety of project material including wood, paper, korallex, etc.
14 KG
Marga Bond
Perfect solution for projects that need rush and intense adhesion.